VT 2016
Vecka | Grundkurs | Fortsättning 1 | |
3 | 99 Degrees | Stitches | |
4 | Irish Stew | Marilyn | |
5 | Ticket to the blues | Tough Love | |
6 | Higher & Higher | Repetition | |
7 | Repetition | Repetition | |
8 | Årsmöte + Klubbdans | Årsmöte + Klubbdans | |
9 | Tush Push | Save the day | |
10 | Ghost Train | Celtic Kittens | |
11 | Falling Rain | Repetition | |
12 | Funky Girls | Repetition | |
13 | Repetition | Repetition | |
14 | Gemensam Avslutning | Gemensam Avslutning | |